Angel or Slut?


“Men want to marry an angel but in bed they want a slut”

This idea comes from a very limited understanding of sex and from the idea that the woman should seduce the man to arouse his sexual energy. Deep down in every man there is a strong fear of not being aroused, so men are always looking for something that will stimulate arousal instantly without effort. This means that the most important thing is some kind of seductive element, like in pornography or when women use sexy seductive underwear or express seductive behaviour. This will immediately stimulate arousal. But of course in many respects a man would not be happy with a wife or girlfriend who would exhibit this type of behaviour as this would mean she could seduce other men as well.

And as long as the man doesn’t know of other ways to experience love and being aroused – if he doesn’t know what it means to be aroused by an angel, by angelic behaviour! – he doesn’t know these other possibilities. The angelic behaviour shows no element of seduction but true adoration of the man. The woman touches the man with an angelic face, with a smile, with care, with a lot of love, like a mother touching her baby. Most men never experience this type of arousal.

The belief that the woman should be this angel in all other respects but when it comes to sex and moving into the bedroom she needs to become a horny, seductive slut is not true in my experience. For 20 years I have worked with men and all this time I have presented myself as an angel. I would never have been able to love myself if I had played the games of seduction. I always wanted to create in the man’s heart great respect, love and care towards my body.

When a man gets triggered by seduction, when he gets aroused by seductive behaviour, he can become quite brutal towards the woman and behave in an unrespectful way, even causing the woman pain. In my work I always wanted to protect my body from this attitude in men and the only way to do it is to be an angel! To bring the man to this angelic world where he will be aroused from soft, gentle touch. Where he will experience his body as a sensual, loving and loved body. Then he will treat the female body in the same way.

In a relationship it is possible all through life to be in love with each other, to be sexually active and enjoy the sexual life only if you are both angels. If you start to play seductive games it will never last. It will always lead you to disrespect and abuse of each others emotions, bodies and energies and will eventually destroy your love and relationship.

A Woman and A Thai Men. Part 3.


“Dear Lara

Quite a lot has been happening since I saw you that I need to tell you about. After we spoke I again tried to make contact with the man in the pictures. I was not able to get in touch – I left several messages on Facebook which he ignored and I called him many times as well, he never picked up the phone. I called my female friend in Cambodia and she tried calling him, he did pick up but he didn’t want to talk.

So I am 100% clear that this man is no longer interested in me now. I was pretty clear on this when I did first come and see you – in fact the reason I was coming to see you and what I said to you was that I wanted to move on from him and focus on the future and opening up. You then took me ‘back’ to him saying that he was ‘the one’ for want of a better term. This has been useful in a way but only for me being able to see that it was a good experience and nothing more, there is no future with this man for me and I am not interested in seeing him again, and he is no longer interested in me.

I’m telling you this as if I am going to carry on seeing you then I would like your support with moving on and opening up to new possibilities. If you are unable to support me in that then I don’t want to continue and I will have to cancel my appointment.

Best Wishes


Dear L.,

The life is the best guide. Everything what happens is for best. We often get into situation when we are not sure where to go. In this case we need to follow our strongest desire and put all good loving and innocent efforts towards achieving that. Then our destiny gives us the answer quickly to clear us from doubts and open the clear way forward. This is what you have done. Otherwise you would always have some regrets, you will compare this man in the future with your new man, so you will be in confusion for a long time. Now you can move forward breathing this freedom. When you are rejected by what you desired it can be painful at first, but it is like catharsis, brings great relief. Now new possibilities will be open for you. Main thing you know your own woman. Thanks to this man! You know how to feel sexually loved. Your mind will set up a new search and will spot different men, whom you maybe did not noticed before. What I see you definitelly need – to become more connected with your feminine as a carer and a lover to others. Somehow you cannot easily cope with life through kindness and love. This is what I see. And this is what is needed to be open in you to attract loving men. They are out there. I do not insist that you come and see me on the 1st May. I am not the one who is chasing money. I really want to help and I see that I can help because I work differently – directly via body and mind together, not just via logic. I know that working via body seams strange, most therapists talk, talk, talk… But this talks did not helped me when I was in situation of despare and hurt ( I was and many times). What has helped me to stay a woman as I am  – my body. I want to teach you your body. This is our car. It drives us faster to where we want to be. Our logic is the slow walk on the busy road. Sometimes we can hardly move.

I am happy to support you in your journey to your “car” and in your moving faster to your happiness and pleasure of life.

Best wishes
Lara Anderson”


How to keep your man forever?

According to research, a woman’s sex drive begins to dramatically reduce once she is in a secure relationship.

Researchers from Germany found that after four years of stable relationship less than half of 30-year-old women wanted regular sex. The also found that men have the same sex drive regardless of the length of their relationship. Do men want to have sex with the same sexual partner or they just want to have sex, German researchers did not clarify. Yet, they clarify that women do not want to have sex even if they love their partners.

The researchers from Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital interviewed 530 men and women about their relationships.

They found that 60% of of 30-year-old women who have been in relationship for less than 4 years wanted sex “often”. Less than 50% of women who have been in the relationship about 4 years wanted sex 2-3 times a week. And only 20% of women wanted sex more or less regularly who stayed in relationship for about 20 years.

In contrast, men of all age groups wanted regular sex.

The answer on the question: “Why so many men have an affairs or go to prostitutes, escorts or massages where ofter they can have sex behind of the name of “massage”?” Is clear. German scientists explain the difference in male and female sex drive by biological programming for the sake of human reproduction and evolution.

How to keep a man?

Sexual desire is a very powerful energy which drives a man where he can satisfy this desire. Sexual energy is vital for a man and vital for a woman but women do not feel it so clear as men do. A lot of 50 years old men divorce and get younger wife.


To keep a man every women has to learn how to develop her sexual life into constant regular loving connection to her man. If he does not feel loved sexually nothing can stop him to leave you!

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